Welcome to the Mata Firdaus blog (means : Eyes of Firdaus).
This is the inofficial blog of the founder of BBGI Bima Bhakti Group Indonesia, Firdaus Juven.
In addition to his business activities with the flag of BBGI, he also plays an active role in various position and partly shareholders and hold the Board of Directors of the company in relation to expanding the network (networks) in foreign countries.
His involvement in various businesses, starting from the forerunner of BBGI namely PT GrahaSwartika Lestari in 1987. Due to the rules of a limited liability company issued by the Government of Indonesia, the PT was forced to flee by law and continue with the establishment of a new holding, PT Bima Bhakti Perkasa, but its more famous known as BBGI Bima Bhakti Group Indonesia with domicile still in the Capital of Jakarta, Indonesia. Some of the names of companies associated with it are PT Bima Agung Perkasa, PT Mulia Kencana Cahaya Baru, PT Bima Perkasa Cahaya Gemilang, and many more.
Along with his friendship with several foreign businessmen/women, his name started to participate in various foreign companies such as Phyto Trading International INC in Hongkong, Winzone Corporation in Hongkong, Zhongjing International Energy based in Hongkong and Shenzhen, China and many more companies of foreign companies involving his name along with their interest to invest in the Republic of Indonesia.
In Indonesia itself, there are many companies those were formed and established together with many of his friends such as Bima Sakti Inti Plantations which later changed its name into BimaSakti Inti Energy, Pacific Nusantara Energy, Raja Laut Perkasa and many more companies that have been established or already in the stage acquired by him , including a logistics company it acquired in 2016, Mustika Trimegah Logistics, but has been released back in late 2017.
In Singapore alone, some companies have been acquired including Tiger Smart International Holdings Pte Ltd, International Energy Assets Pte Ltd and there are still some local companies in Singapore that are in the stage of negotiations acquisition by him. International Energy Assets Pte Ltd was finally released in 2016 and a new company was acquired in 2016 by acquiring 100% of its M / S. B2B Consulting Pte Ltd in Singapore. This ends up being released back in the same year. A new holding is being negotiated with several multinational in Singapore. Some names had appeared such as: Royal Singapore, Royal Wealth Global Investments, and others.
The latest information, his name has also appeared in Canada for the establishment of a new business group with several former Sea Food Businessmen and fisheries suppliers (suppliers) to Walmart and several major companies in Canada, the United States and China mainland.
The latest news was attributed to the acquisition of a publicly listed company on the Canadian Stock Exchange under the name Evitrade Health Systems Corps (Symbol: EVA (CNSX - Canadian Stock Exchange) .It is not known how much of percentage of his total acquired shares in the public company but it is believed he was appointed officially as the CEO and Managing Director of the said public listed company.
His name also appears frequently associated with a small custodian bank called Mahkota Bank, but according to sources close to him, he is in the process of preparing a new bank whose location is still a secret and he plans to bring its presence to operate in the Republic of Indonesia with its main mission in order to help overcome the difficulties of small entrepreneurs in accessing funding for their business activities in Indonesia. Lastly a bank in Africa under the name Nedbank is also often linked to him.
Simple daily life does not seem stiff and always open to accept friendship offer and do not hesitate to lend a helping hand to anyone who is interested to start the business. He always provide motivation for prospective young and new entrepreneurs to dare the Challenges to advance and become the leading Entrepreneur and contribute to his nation. His commitment to open the opportunity to gain experiences for the young generation, especially fresh graduate undergraduate in order to get a decent salary without having to leave the city of his birth makes him trying to bring new operations and presences, branches in most cities in Indonesia.
His commitment to improving local workforce expertise is to work with local higher education institutions including finding sister universities for local universities as well as upgrading the quality of education and related fields of study.
His business network extends from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Papua New Guinea, Hong Kong, China, Taiwan, Thailand, Phillippines, France, Canada, USA, South Africa, Mauritius, Johanessburg, Venezuella, Nigeria, India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Japan, Australia and several other countries.
His Commitment from the beginning is to ensure to active participate to encourage economic growth for the people of Indonesia and the Indonesian nation.
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